Triaxial Test Outfits

The settlement of foundations and changes in earth pressure due to movement of retaining walls or other earth supports, the yield of soil caused by application of load, are affected by the stress-strain relationship of soils. The experimental investigation for determining the stress-strain relationship is usually carried out with the Triaxial Compression test. During the test, the soil samples gradually stressed upto failure. Generally speaking, Triaxial tests are performed to simulate different types of stress and drainage conditions that can occur in the sub-soil for simulating the effect of building construction, excavation, tunneling etc. The Three different triaxial tests are usually performed for total and effective stress measurement.

Ref: Standard IS: 2720 (Part XI & XII) BS 1377-7, 1924-2,ASTM 02850, 04767 AASHTOT296, T297

Models available:

Triaxial Outfit Analog (AIM-095-2)

Universal Triaxial Outfit (AIM-095-U-2 )

Digital Triaxial Outfit (AIM-096-8)

Digital Universal Triaxial Outfit (AIM-096-U-2 )

Digital Triaxial Outfit (AIM-096-9)

Digital Universal Triaxial Outfit (AIM-096-9-U)

Digital Microprocessor based Triaxial Outfit (AIM-096-10)

Digital Microprocessor based Universal Triaxial Outfit (AIM-096-10-U)

Digital Microprocessor based Triaxial Outfit (AIM-096-11 )

Digital Microprocessor based Universal Triaxial Outfit (AIM 096 -11-U)

Triaxial Test Apparatus, Analog (AIM-095-1)

Triaxial Outfit, Motorised (AIM-095-U-1)

Triaxial Test Apparatus, Digital (AIM-096-4 )

Triaxial Test Apparatus, Digital (AIM-096-5 )

Triaxial Test Apparatus, Digital (AIM-096-5-U)

Triaxial Test Apparatus, Digital (AIM-096-6 )

Digi Triaxial System (AIM-096-6-U)

Triaxial Test Apparatus, Digital with microprocessor based loading unit with AIMIL Data Aquisition System & Geo Star (AIM-096-7)

Digi Triaxial System (AIM-096-7-U)

Triaxial Outfit, Motorised with Electronic Measurement (AIM-096-U-1)

Digital Triaxial Apparatus with table top Load Frame (AIM-096-21)

Digital Triaxial Apparatus with table top Load Frame (AIM-096-21U )

Digital Triaxial Apparatus with table top Load Frame (AIM-096-22 )

Digital Triaxial Apparatus with table top Load Frame (AIM-096-22-U)

Digital Triaxial Apparatus with table top Load Frame (AIM-096-23)

Digital Triaxial Apparatus with table top Load Frame (AIM-09623-U)

Digital Triaxial Apparatus with table top Load Frame (AIM-096-24)

Digital Triaxial Apparatus with table top Load Frame (AIM-096-24-U)