The Aimil – GDS Triaxial Testing System has been designed to comply with international standards of test execution and data presentation and to qualify for national laboratory accreditation schemes. The system is controlled by the user’s PC running MS Windows® and GDSLAB software integrated with Aimil electronics. The operator chooses the type of test from a test menu (eg. multi-stage, stress path etc) and then enters the test parameters (of cell pressure, back pressure, testing rate and so on) and test termination conditions. The test then proceeds automatically with all test data being saved to a file. On-line graphics are presented with up to three graphs displayed together with a block of current live test data. The computer directly controls the cell pressure, back pressure and testing rate. In addition to logging these parameters to the PC hard drive, the computer alsologs axial displacement, axial load, pore pressure and volume change.

The equipment consists of the following:
• Aimil Load Frame with Control Electronics
• GOS Lab Software and Data Acquisition System
• 2 Nos. GOS Pressure Volume Controllers for measuring change in Volume & Constant Pressure
• Aimil Triaxial Cells, 38mm and 50mm dia