The Static Cone Penetration Test is also found to be a handy tool for predetermining the length and estimating the load carrying capacities of piles passing through soft compressible strata and resting upon hard clays, sands or gravel. The penetration resistance of the cone has nearly the same value as the load which can be carried by the actual pile per unit area of the pile tip. By using the additional friction jacket with the standard equipment, identification of various soil types is also possible. To use the Static Cone Penetrometer, a truncated steel cone (60° angle, 10 cm2 at base) is forced vertically into the soil by static thrust, required to cause a bearing capacity failure of the soil immediately surrounding the point where measurements are required to be made. Such measurements made at suitably desired intervals, provide a continuous bearing capacity profile and hence a shear strength profile of the soil at the sounding location.
Ref. Standard IS:4968 (Part-3)

Models available:
Static Cone Penetrometer, 30kN (3000 kgf) capacity, Hand Operated (AIM-135)
Static Cone Penetrometer, Capacity 100kN (10,000 kgf), Engine Driven (AIM-136 )
Static Cone Penetrometer, Capacity 100kN (10,000 kgf), Engine Driven with Digital Indicator (AIM-136- DG)